Coats for Cape Town supports Ladles of Love

This year, we are proud to support Ladles of Love with much needed coats this winter.

A coat is so much more than just a coat,
For me, it is a hug of warmth, a layer of protection.
It’s trusty pockets safekeeping my few possessions.
Wrapping me up during the day,
Covering my bed at night,
Keeping me safe.

See this recent interview with our founder, Marco

“We want to thank you for your generosity during these dire and difficult times. Words cannot express our gratitude for helping us with the jackets and blankets donation. I happened to be lucky enough to watch the handout of these incredible gifts for the community and I can tell you I was blinded by the smiles on people’s faces. I just wanted you to know that you are part of the ‘chain of kindness’ when making a child and the homeless smile.Ladles of Love